Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to join us at the 2022 Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA & LICAGE in Istanbul, Turkey, May 4-7, 2022. “Promoting Excellence in Liver Transplantation” is the theme of this year’s Congress. We are committed to providing multidisciplinary scientific advances in liver transplantation worldwide. We do hope that you can join us onsite but given the current situation we have decided to also offer the possibility to attend the Congress online.

In 2022, you can look forward to a robust scientific program, giving you valuable input for your day-to-day practice. Special formats such as the Pre-meeting Symposium, Meet the Experts Sessions, and workshops will enhance the educational content of the Congress. Attending ILTS 2022 will allow you to discuss the latest advances for the care of liver transplantation patients and receive state-of-the-art updates in clinical and basic science.

The ILTS Congress connects the world of liver transplantation, and we are proud of its reputation for the quality of science, its international flavor and its strong multi-disciplinary approach.

Why Istanbul? Istanbul is changing – it is dynamic, it is curious and diverse – many of the characteristics of the ILTS Congress. Turkey is one of the world leaders in living liver donor transplantation, and there is much to learn. East really does meet west in Istanbul.


We are looking forward meeting you in Istanbul or online – join us at the world’s premier congress on liver transplantation!

Mohamed Rela, MS, FRCS, DSc

Program Chair, President-elect
Dr. Rela Institute and Medical Center
Chennai, India

Marina Berenguer, MD

ILTS President
Hospital University La Fe
Valencia, Spain

Yaman Tokat, MD

Local Chair
International Liver Center & Acibadem Health Care Group
Istanbul, Turkey