Access to the digital platform

As an ePoster presenter, you should have received access to the digital platform (including detailed guidelines on how) to upload your ePoster file(s) from

* In case you did not receive the access to the digital platform please contact us at:


Prepare your ePoster file(s)

You will be given the option to upload your ePoster as a pdf and/or an mp4 file.

  1. You may download your ePoster template here.
  2. Your pdf may contain multiple pages (we recommend you 1-3 pages).
  3. We recommend pdf files with a 16:9 aspect ratio (e.g., 2560 x 1440). Because our poster viewer has built-in zoom controls, the absolute size is not necessarily important, but a minimum of 2560×1440 will yield clear results.
  4. You can upload your ePoster as an mp4 video file. Please record your mp4 video file in landscape (16:9), which should not exceed 3-5 minutes in length.
  5. Guidelines on how to record your ePoster as a video via Zoom or PPT Office