- DCD, Preservation and Machine Perfusion
- Infectious Diseases and Liver Transplantation
- Cardiovascular Topics in Liver Transplantation
- Liver Transplant Immunology
- Liver Transplant Oncology
- Acute Chronic Liver Failure
- The Digital Liver Transplant Patient
- Diagnostics and Therapeutic Interventions
- Precision Medicine and Biomarkers in Liver Transplantation
- Anesthesia/Critical Care
- Living Donor Transplantation
- HBV and Liver Transplantation
- Liver Transplantation for Pediatric Metabolic Liver Diseases
- Microsurgery
Featured Symposia
In each of the ten featured symposia, a focus is placed on a specific topic, with selected expert speakers and delegates able to share experiences and relevant research findings in interactive question and answer times allotted to each session. Featured symposia are moderated by two chairpersons, with four to five invited speakers per session. Several of the feature symposia also take on a different format to include debates, expert panels, and panel discussions.
More Information
Circulating signaling: Non-Invasive Diagnostic Biomarkers in Liver Transplantation
Learning objectives:
- To learn about the role of non-invasive biomarkers for the assessment of liver graft function
Classic and less classic perioperative topics under review
Learning objectives:
- Prioritize the optimal fluid management for patients undergoing liver transplantation and create the action plan for fluid administration.
- Optimize a perioperative plan for patients with impaired cardiac function required for simultaneous liver-heart transplantation or liver transplantation with cardiac surgery.
- Critically assess different types of cardiac monitoring in patients with end stage liver disease undergoing liver transplantation.
- Discuss problems related to pain management in patients undergoing living donor liver transplantation.
Transplant Oncology Symposium
Learning objectives:
- To learn the controversial topics regarding the “Evolution of multidisciplinary cancer treatment,” one of the 4E’s of Transplant Oncology, for hepatobiliary malignancies.
- To understand the current changes in selection of patients with HCC for Liver Transplantation
- To understand the use of Liver Transplantation for the treatment of non-resectable colorectal liver metastases.
- To understand the current updates in the treatments of cholangiocarcinoma.
Long-term immunosuppression: the art of balance
Learning objectives:
- Discussing the influence of age on immunosuppression protocols and long term outcomes
- Providing an overview of immunosuppression strategies to avoid calcineurin inhibitors toxicity
- Discussing the interest and advances in operational tolerance
Liver transplantation and alcohol-associated Liver Disease: where are we in 2022?
Learning objectives:
- Understand the optimal window for steroids use in acute alcohol-associated hepatitis
- Recognize the potential impact of national policy changes on alcohol use
- Identify the components and benefits of the integrated care approach to the management of patients with advanced alcohol-associated liver disease
- Address the controversies surrounding liver transplantation for alcohol-associated liver disease
Hot topics in liver transplantation
Learning objectives:
- To understand the challenges and benefits associated with minimal Invasive surgery in LDLT
- To review the concept of ERAS in the setting of liver transplantation
- To address futility in patients awaiting liver transplantation
- To revise the allocation system through new precision medicine tools
Liver transplantation for the very sick
Learning objectives:
Liver transplantation is a challenge for the very sick patients with ACLF3. The collaboration between hepatologist, anesthesiologist, intensivist and surgeon must be perfect in order to best assess the benefits and risks of these patients. This symposium will give you some keys: who and when to transplant, how to manage these patients especially in ICU and finally which donor to choose.
Expanding the limits in LDLT
Learning objectives:
The Featured Symposium will consist of 4 Expert Lectures on four different difficult and controversial topics in living donor liver transplantation. Living donor complications, innovative strategies, re transplantation after LDLT, and application of LDLT to expand the scope of LT in Hepatobiliary tumours are questions and dilemma’s in most minds, and this Featured Symposium will try and address these issues.
Living Donor Liver Transplantation
Learning objectives:
- Re-transplantation with a living donor
- Donor complications and long-term outcomes
- Strategies to overcome donor recipient risk
- LDLT for CRLM and cholangiocarcinoma
Vanguard Sessions
Sessions organized by the Vanguard Committee in three different formats:
Vanguard Grand Round Case Presentation includes presentations of three interesting cases selected by the Vanguard Committee for their educational value. A senior discussant assigned to each case makes comments, and the audience is encouraged to ask questions and engage in a discussion.
Vanguard Debates feature counterpoint views from leading experts selected by the Vanguard Committee on three different hot topics in liver transplantation today.
Vanguard Surgical Video Session is centered around the presentation of 3 selected surgical videos. The presentations of surgical procedures by the author are followed by a discussion with the audience moderated by the session chairs.
More Information
Vanguard Featured Symposium – Frailty in Liver Transplantation: is it a real challenge?
Learning objectives:
- Define the frailty in the liver transplant population.
- How to utilize the frailty assessment in medical decision-making.
- Understand the frailty in the pediatric liver transplant population.
- Understand the impact of frailty on liver transplant outcomes.
Vanguard Debate Session
Learning objectives:
- To understand the indications for RAPID procedure.
- To understand the benefits and limitations of large database vs small database research.
- To understand the implications of high BMI for living liver donors.
Vanguard Surgical Video Session
Learning objectives:
- To learn novel techniques for live donor hepatectomy.
- Understand the technique of en-bloc heart-liver transplantation.
- Understand different ECMO technologies and cannulation techniques.
Meet the Experts
Hot topics in liver transplantation and beyond will be discussed by experts in their field.
More Information
East meets West: Liver Transplantation for acute on chronic liver failure
Learning objectives:
- Understand the concept and definitions of acute on chronic liver failure
- Address futility in acute on chronic liver failure
- Determine the role of frailty in transplant outcome in acute on chronic liver failure
- Establish the role of liver transplantation in alcoholic hepatitis
What’s going on in Transplant Oncology?
Learning objectives:
- To learn the expanding indications of liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma and colorectal liver metastases.
High Five!!
Learning objectives:
5 difficult surgical situations in LDLT – opinions and answers from 5 expert LDLT Surgeons from different countries around the globe.
Resilience – “Journey of the transplant surgeon as a transplant recipient”
Learning objectives:
- How to balance adversities of the personal life and demanding professional career
Pathologist’s Role in Liver Transplantation
Learning objectives:
- To discuss the role of pathologists in clinical management of liver transplantation patients.
Special Interest Group Meetings
This year’s Congress will host nine new parallel sessions dedicated to the work of ILTS Special Interest Groups. These SIG Meetings will allow healthcare professionals of all disciplines to share recent advances in their special area of interest. It will encourage future collaborative research projects and promote activities to enhance education among participants.
Pre-Meeting Symposium
The Pre-Meeting Symposium consists of four thematic sessions centered around a single hot topic in liver transplantation today. Providing a theory-to-practice perspective on an issue, during 3,5 hours, selected experts present the newest research and engage in debates around the subject, taking different perspectives. Each of the four sessions is moderated by two co-chairs.
Highly interactive in-depth sessions dedicated to specific topics, allowing for a discussion of a variety of aspects and an exchange of ideas in the presence of selected faculty and subject-matter experts.
Rising Star Symposium
This stand-alone plenary session features five abstracts selected for their excellence are presented by young investigator/mentor teams in an interactive presentation: The mentor presents the background information on the topic while the young investigator follows with a presentation of the data submitted in the abstract. The session chairs moderate the discussion.
Plenary Abstract Sessions
7 outstanding abstracts relating to different themes of liver transplantation will be presented in two stand-alone session. Each presentation is followed by a short question and answer session facilitated by the two co-chairs.
State-of-the-Art Lecture
A 30-minute session featuring one keynote speaker on a selected topic per session. The invited speaker is a world-leading expert in the field, able to offer deep up-to-date insights and findings, highlight open questions and discuss strategies that need to be addressed in the future. The session is moderated by one senior ILTS member.
Best of ILTS
The closing session synthesizes the noteworthy presentations made during the ILTS Congress divided into three main specialty sections: anesthesia, hepatology, and surgery. The ILTS Congress summary of the three specialties focuses on critical issues addressed, important results presented, and key recommendations put forward.
Concurrent Oral Abstract Session
Noteworthy abstracts from each abstract category presented in parallel-running sessions. Concurrent oral abstract sessions are presented into themes that address new research in each of the categories. Each presentation is followed by a short question and answer session facilitated by the two co-chairs.
Take a look at the Scientific Programs of ILTS 2019 and ILTS 2021
Session recordings and the Abstract Books are available for free for ILTS Members:
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